Friday, November 16, 2018

Jasmine Finishes her Animatic!

November 13th and 15th
Week 8 is over (I forgot to make one of these last week, oops) and with it, I have officially finished my animatic and started on my background concepts/ sketches. Hopefully next week I get the opportunity to speak with someone in the background area so that I have a bit of a better understanding of what’s going on. On other notes, I’m also very tired… probably because I’ve recently been affiliating myself with cringy children’s superhero cartoons into the wee hours of the morning and or re-watching some of my favourite Dreamworks animations (how to train your dragon and rise of the guardians were amazing). As such my sleep schedule has been a little lacking and my eyes like to do this thing where colours mush together when I’m tired. Good thing I have a PD day tomorrow. I will finally be able to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Next week is more backgrounds, let’s hope they go well!
- Jasmine

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Molly Wraps Concept Art & Starts Storyboarding.

My art block seems to have resolved itself, so I've been able to finish most of the concept art this week. I decided to start storyboarding on my own so I didn't get too off track, so I surfed google for a solid 20 minutes trying to figure out how to show camera movements on individual shots and how to cut down on unnecessary frames. One thing I realized was that you have to be really efficient when storyboarding, which apparently means short-handing the drawings. I had to simplify my art style a lot for the concept art itself (I usually go towards realism), so the storyboards look nothing like the original designs lol

At the beginning of the placement, I told myself to have everything finished by the end of November so I could have more time to animate, but I doubt that's going to happen at this point, considering that I spent a month working on character design and procrastinating on storyboards. I think I only have backgrounds to work on before I start builds though, so I'm not as far behind as I thought. I'll try to work more efficiently over the next 5 weeks, and maybe I'll be ready to animate by the new year.

- Molly

Friday, November 2, 2018

Jasmine Finishes her Boards and Searches for Butter Tarts!

Oct 30th and November 1st:

Week 6 has come to an end and I’ve finished my storyboards woot woot! I also had some extra time so I decided to draw my character and one of the backgrounds just to see what I might want both to look like. Currently, I’m trying to decide if I want my character to have a blue shirt and purple shorts or a purple shirt and blue shorts, decisions, decisions.  Other than that my mother has beseeched me with the task of procuring some butter tarts for the weekend so I’m off to go and do that. Next week I start on my animatic. We’ll see how that goes!

- Jasmine

Molly Needs a Break from Design

This week wasn't as busy as the last few, partially because it was a two-day week, and because I've spent most of my time fixing the concept art from last week. I'm having a bit of art block, which would be fine if it didn't affect how I draw the face (not surprised at this point). I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time on consistency when I should have moved on to backgrounds or something along those lines. I'll probably take a break from the design over the weekend, and hopefully, I'll finish by Thursday so I can move forward with the project.

- Molly