Monday, May 9, 2016

Callie Conquers Revisions!

I got back from Alberta on Monday but on Tuesday I had the flu, so that was two days of school missed. Fortunately, I only missed one afternoon of co op and I seem to be still on track. On Wednesday I went over my shots with Darien and he made up a document with a bunch of revision notes for me which was very nice of him. He also showed me how to fix the things he pointed out and how to make a shadow for behind the lamp shade.

So I did all the revisions that Darien suggested and then today I sat down and was very confused about what I was doing (like what stage I'm on). I think I'm in limbo or something. Because I'm done revisions but I also haven't strung all my shots together, and I don’t know how to do that slash I think Erin said someone would edit it together for me. So basically I made a word document and went through all my shots and though about what audio I will need to find online to go with the film.

Going through the shots slowly also made me catch a bunch of tiny things that Darien was probably too nice to point out, because he knows I have limited time/skills to fix any problems with my film. But I am very nit picky and so the issues I could see, I tried to fix. Problems like unnatural expressions mostly, or just not enough movement to make a character look alive. Anyhoo, it's time for me to go home. Have a great weekend!

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