Friday, September 9, 2016

Bendix Starts to Animate!

This week we had Monday off, so I spent it finishing up my first draft of my bachelor thesis and sleeping. Mostly sleeping.

Tuesday I was introduced to my first animation task, and as I have never animated in flash before (except for a one week course 3 years ago), needless to say I was very confused by the program. After two years of animating in Maya, my brain has been 3D-fied in many ways. Wednesday, Matt gave me a short and very informative lecture on the program, and I feel like I'm a little less scared of diving into it! It's still very hard getting comfortable with all the different buttons and ways of using layers and rigs, but I'm slowly getting there.
I have a quota of 20-30 seconds a week, and I've reached about half of that this week, but I hope that I I will soon enough get up to speed and conquer Flash!

Yesterday, Cherry, Kris, Darien, David, Gia and I, went to a Thai place called Pai (you've probably noticed a theme of food by now in all of my blog-posts). It was extremely good food, but I did manage to get one bad mouthful of spice that nearly sent me on the verge of tears!

Today feels like a chill day, leading into a very chill weekend of thesis writing and getting my hair done (which is about time)!

And to finish off the blog, here is another glorious Cherry moment from this week.

- Bendix

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