Thursday, May 21, 2015

David Learns FX, but mostly Board Games

This week I’m animating special effects on Furry Force and it’s…erm...interesting... I'm enjoying learning how to animate special effects though! So far I’ve animated a rain effect, and cloud effect, and I've composited a scene with fire.

This week I also attended GAME NIGHT! I had the opportunity to meet, Spencer, Kris, Kosta, Nicole, and Sean :) We were playing Betrayal at House on the Hill. 

Basically each character has stats and you roll dice and explore a haunted house! It was super awesome because we were playing some spooky music that was timing perfectly to our game creepily enough! Everything was going great, I had found a spellbook, which gave me a bonus to my character’s knowledge stat and a skull which gave me another upgrade. Then Kosta had to get cursed and become this evil body horror monster like Tetsuo Shima in the anime Akira. And of course he can't take any physical damage because his gross body absorbs the attacks! The only way we could kill him was to run to the basement and try to explode the furnace and burn the house down while Spence attacked with his dog to distract Kosta. Me and Nicole both got to the basement. I fell down a hole in a room, and she took a magic elevator. In the basement I found an awesome ring that gave let me turn my mental stats into damage, turning me into a psychic! Then Nicole successfully blew up the furnace, but unfortunately we lost because we couldn't find a way back out of the basement before burning to death.
This week has been a lot of fun so far and I’m really enjoying both the work and the work environment at Smiley Guy :)


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