Thursday, September 27, 2018

Please Welcome Jasmine!

Today marks the end of my first week here at Smiley Guys! So far I've brainstormed some ideas and created an outline for my short. Or what I hope counts as an outline. Making a 30-second film doesn't sound like a lot but in actuality, it will take a lot of time. When I was writing my outline I had to keep reminding myself not to add too much detail because a 30-second idea can quickly spiral into a 30-minute idea if I'm not careful.  Currently, I'm waiting to get my outline back and make some changes as well as starting on my production schedule.
A few notes about my first week:
  1. The guy who sits beside me (I think his name is Christian, or Christopher or something with Chris in it) has a salad every day for lunch and it smells really good and inspired me to order a salad last night when I went out for dinner. My digestive tract thanks you. 
  2. Apparently, Lisa knows CPR which is cool.
  3. Someone who sits in front of me and to the left has some really awesome funko pops on her desk
  4. I suck at remembering names

All in all this week has been amazing. I can't wait to see where this goes! - Jasmine