Bloggedy Bloggers? Yes, That was the only contents of an
email I just received from Julie. Sometimes I feel she’s too nice. Ill be just
about to carry on with my Friday
night when I get such an email. I almost feel
as though she should just let me forget. Then I would have to deal with
consequences of not putting up a blog. I couldn't imagine what it would
be though. I'm sure the people at SGS would find some form of hilarious
punishment. Make me wear a dunce hat or something like that.
This week to be honest has been fairly uneventful. I've been having
to do an obscene amount of writing for school. Essays, reflection
papers and yes... blogs. I find that Smiley Guy is a nice break from
that though. Not that its a break! I still do work! Just the change in
environment is relaxing. Instead of running from class to class stressed
about the work that is due or the quiz coming up. I just get to sit
down and immerse myself in something for a few hours. The best is I walk
away and on the streetcar I have a sort of revelation. I tend to say to
myself "Huh, I know something that I didn't know two hours ago." I find
that this doesn't tend to happen often in every day life. Its a nice
feeling. Also I get strange looks from people wondering why I'm talking
to myself.
Anyways, next week is Halloween so I'm sure there will be
more to talk about. Just a heads up though, my costume is going to be