Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Elizabeth Sharpens Her Producing Skills


So I may have to give up the .gif dream. My computer doesn’t have the programs that you need to make them! It looks like Lucas is the .gif master…at least for now!

Last week I helped organize files for an original Smiley Guy Studios show. I was able to take a look at original scripts, characters, backgrounds, pitch documents as well as some animatics. It was interesting to see what it is that Smiley Guy Studios would use to pitch the show!

I’ve also been working on some rough versions of budgets and schedules for another show. Mine aren’t nearly as nice looking or complex as the real ones. It’s good practice though, and I’m getting an understanding of how long animated shows really take to get made!

I have another month of school left! I think it’s going to be a bit of a crazy month but I almost don’t want it to end. I’ve really enjoyed my program and I’m going to miss seeing my friends and teachers on a regular basis.

Here is a sample 'simple' schedule

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Elizabeth is a Comedian


I sat in on my second production meeting today. It was a meeting about Warren United, an upcoming show that Smiley Guy Studios are working on and I happened to be working on one of the episodes that was discussed during the meeting. I’ve seen its script and its animatic version, so I had an idea about what everyone was talking about when they were discussing its animation. I’m curious to see how it will all turn out.

I just googled how to make a .gif and there’s a website which tells you how to do it in 5 easy steps…so watch out Lucas. I’m going to attempt one for next week.

I’ve been doing a late night class at school for a few months now. We write jokes, sketches or anything that we think a late night show would do. So I thought I’d end my update with one that got a few laughs last night…

Eating sugar causes massive health problems according to the World Health Organization. When asked for a comment, Dr. Pepper said “WHO? Never heard of them”.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lucas is as Exciting as Fireworks

This week has been slightly less eventful than last few so I'll try to keep this interesting! After reading Elizabeth's blog last week I feel like I need to make mine even more exiting just to simply one up her's. Maybe theres a way to add explosions or fireworks. 

So this week has been one filled with music, I have a show today at the Opera House and I've been running around frantically selling tickets. It's been somewhat stressful because it's the biggest audience I've ever played for but it's still pretty exiting. The comics have still been coming out bi-daily like I said they would last week. I'm actually fairly surprised and impressed with myself that the followthrough has been up to par. 

Also, here's a .gif of some fireworks for the excitement factor