Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Elizabeth is a Comedian


I sat in on my second production meeting today. It was a meeting about Warren United, an upcoming show that Smiley Guy Studios are working on and I happened to be working on one of the episodes that was discussed during the meeting. I’ve seen its script and its animatic version, so I had an idea about what everyone was talking about when they were discussing its animation. I’m curious to see how it will all turn out.

I just googled how to make a .gif and there’s a website which tells you how to do it in 5 easy steps…so watch out Lucas. I’m going to attempt one for next week.

I’ve been doing a late night class at school for a few months now. We write jokes, sketches or anything that we think a late night show would do. So I thought I’d end my update with one that got a few laughs last night…

Eating sugar causes massive health problems according to the World Health Organization. When asked for a comment, Dr. Pepper said “WHO? Never heard of them”.

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