It’s only been a week or 2 since my last blog post, and a lot has happened already! I continued working on my walk cycle, and then showed it to Mat one of the animators, for some feedback. There was a lot of that needed improvement, and he started a new one and walked me through each step, showing me how he goes about blocking a shot. It was really cool getting to observe how he works, and learning about his approach and technique to animation. He showed me how he breaks stuff down and works with one part at a time, starting with the main movement of the torso, and letting the rest follow. It gave me a new perspective on how to approach animating, and made things a lot simpler. With what I had learned I started my walk cycle over again, which turned out a lot better than my first try. I’m starting to understand flash a little better, and how to work in it.
I was also just told that I will be making my own short film during my time here, and I’m very excited! I’m about to start on my first stage of pre production, by brainstorming ideas, Hopefully by my next blog post I’ll have a story down, I can’t wait to get started!