Monday, July 21, 2014

Carol Streamlines the Colouring Process

Hey guys,
This week was intense. I been coloring Uberdude the entire week because I had to color a whole episode myself. In the process I had to find the more effective way of doing it so I can get it done fast and this is what came up with. I learn to use the lasso tool to choose the parts that I can copy and paste onto the next frame. I learn to use ctrl+shift+v so I can paste it in place which
saved me a lot of time. That way I don't have to color it by hand like I did before.

Next thing I had to do was add 2 square shapes onto all the Uberdude's clothing on top of what I already colored.

For that, I just drew the squares on a new layer on top and turn them into symbols and just add a keyframe to adjust the position of it so it matches the rest of the body.

When I was coloring the mouth, I realize they were symbols and I couldn't just paintbucket everything, At first I just drew in the colors myself and find that too time consuming. Then I remember what I learn from making designs for Chirp that there is usually a drawing
inside a symbol. So I went inside the mouth symbol and paint bucketed everything so I know that every lipsync will be colored once I come out of that layer. That also saved me a lot of time.

As for the rest, I memorized all the hot keys to make everything easier to control.

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