Thursday, February 18, 2016

Callie Finishes Builds!

I've finished doing both my puppets for my film!!! Sam and Donna are done!! Yay!! Rejoice!! Joel looked them over for me and approved them. He helped me make things neater on the timeline and made it easier to animate the facial features moving, but eventually he said they were good to go. I'm so proud of what I've done so far, but I know there is no way I could've done it alone. I had to ask a billion questions to even understand what puppets were. I've had so much help during this stage and I'm super grateful. I'm very lucky to be at smiley guy.

 Next week I'll be moving on to backgrounds, so maybe it would be a good idea to practice drawing rooms in my house so I can practice perspective. I'll be talking to Aramika when I come back on Monday, and she can help me start out with backgrounds. Another stage closer to animation and I'm so excited!! Have a great weekend everyone!

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