Monday, April 28, 2014

A Fond Fairwell to Elizabeth

One last hello!

So my time has ended at Smiley Guy/iThentic and at Humber College. I finished my internship last week and this week was my last week of school. So now onto the next phase!

My last day at Smiley Guy/iThentic was spent continuing to test out an upcoming online game. Even within a few days, there were some big changes in the game that I noticed. I don’t know how they happened exactly…but it was interesting to see the game go through different phases.  

Julie, Mike and Lisa took me out for lunch at Aunties & Uncles, which was just around the corner. I hadn’t really had a chance to go out and check out the neighborhood, so it was nice to see what was out there! All three had helpful tips on what I should be looking into next as well, so it was a great lunch. Plus the food was good too!

My last week at school was fairly busy! I was the producer on a short film that we somehow managed to film over the weekend, and have ready for our last day of class, which was Friday. We were pretty lucky to get it all done and it was definitely a great learning experience!

Thanks for listening and keeping up with my updates! And a big thanks to Smiley Guy Studios and iThentic for letting me come in and experience everything! It was a really great learning experience!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lucas is Becoming an Inspiration to the Rest of Us

I feel really good about this week! First off, I'm on schedule with the game now! I had a my check with Aman this morning and I got some criticism on the tile set and character. He told me that I should take away the colour of the player overtop of the tiles to make sure there's enough contrast of the two. Apparently, it's helpful for colour-blind people as well as making sure that the player is always clear seen. He is also going to send me some of his previous tile sets so I can make some comparisons. I'm going to make some tweaks on them then on monday we'll lock it. Feels good to not be behind! 

On a side note, I finished my Pilot! I've been doing some work on my own on a TV Pilot. I had finished a treatment and started  the actual spec two weeks ago. Now I'm happy to say that it's done! It's 55 pages. I don't think I've ever written that many pages of anything. Mike said I should send all this stuff to him and we can talk about it. He's already given me some pretty brief do's and don't's of the industry and I'm really exited to hear more. I'll probably start writing more specs. Now that I've already gone through the motions of doing this first one, it should be easier from here on out.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One Good Intern Helps Another

This blog is a little off schedule. Just because the last week and a half has been really wonky. I've been at home with a fever since thursday so I haven't been into the studio but I was able to do some work on my own time. First, I'll start with a bit of a progress report with the game:
So as of now, I am done programming. I had to do a quick map loader to use the tiled (.tmx) map files in java but it worked out fine. I have a few very basic maps. The player can walk around and attack stuff and it's all very fun. I'm now starting on the art. I'd like to have time for two really polished tile sets. However, with time restraints I may only have time for one. It won't be the end of the world though. 
Also, heres the (very very very) rough tile set that I have been working on:
On a side note, I've been talking to Elizabeth about my interest in television writing. She was able to send me some very useful packages from her classes on things including how to make a good pitch, to a character development sheet. Since I've been home sick with a ton of free time, I was able to complete a 12-page treatment (Like a pitch) and I have about 10 pages of a pilot episode. Elizabeth also sent me some samples so I had a bit of a grasp on what the format should look like. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Elizabeth Wrangles Rabbits and IMDB


This week I’ve been doing some game testing! I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m coming at it from a total newbie angle. So we will see how helpful my notes are!

I also took screenshots from a recently animated Teleporting Fat Guy episode. I like doing screenshots because it gives me a reason to watch the episode…I’ve become a fan of the series!

Last week I was working on updating various credits on I found it surprisingly challenging. Sometimes they would already have some names on file, but some would still be missing or they were old names. Sometimes the jobs people were credited for weren’t on the database already and so I’d have to add it as a new job. And I wasn’t always sure if someone already existed on the database or not.

School is a bit crazy right now! We’ve got a final project in every class. The one I’m looking forward to working on the most is a show that stars two rabbits as detectives…mainly because we get to play with rabbits all day!

See you next week!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lucas Full Speed Ahead!

Wow, first blog since I've been back!  There's a lot of progress that's been made in terms of the game that I gotta blab about so stay with me for a moment.

First of all, all the classes are done. It's really been tough to get through it all. I was met with a few unexpected challenges with the code but overall, I'm really happy with it and I'm glad it's mostly done. Now all that's left is to actually put everything where it's supposed to be. For now, I already have a player and some enemy placeholders. I'm using a legend of zelda tile-set for now, just so that I don't have to spend all the time making one from scratch.

I've been spending most of my time just building levels. This is really where I shine. Now that the code is done I can really have a lot of fun with the map building. I can have people actually play it and get real criticism. I have run into a few bugs but nothing major that I haven't been able to fix in a few minutes. Hopefully no bigger game-breaking issues arise. I'll keep my fingers crossed.