Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Callie is Determined

I'm writing my blog post today because Friday afternoon I'll be on a plane so it would be slightly difficult for me to come to co op. Monday was a very productive day for me because I finished my entire second background (it took me forever to do the first one)! SO that was good. Today not so much. I learned some more about Photoshop from Aramika but I kept trying to draw and then save my file and it would freeze every time. It's probably my fault though for making the file so large, but still, it's frustrating because I was supposed to get done and I spent so much time waiting for Photoshop to start working again.

I am pretty behind schedule, but I think that's because I forgot to even put backgrounds in my schedule or maybe I lumped it in with design. Apparently that was not smart. Rich says not to worry about being behind because it's most important that I am doing a good job and learning everything properly, but still I don't want to leave Smiley Guy with my film unfinished. I can't believe how fast the year has gone by, there are less than 3 months of school left! After the March break I'll come back and work super speedy. I'm very excited to start animation but the task seems daunting, It will be my longest stage yet and I find that by the end of the long stages I start to become less efficient. Probably because I just want to get it over with start something new. I must overcome that, I'm sure animation will be very interesting. See you next week!

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