Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lucas is a Crazy Romantic

Happy Valentines Day!!! It's actually a little late seeing as how this is being written on the Saturday but I hope that makes up for it. I had a... interesting valentines day. Long story short, I was stuck with nothing to do on a Friday night so I sat down on Facebook and asked if anyone wanted me to draw them valentine's cards.

The response was overwhelming.

I only had time to get 18 of them done but I think they're pretty funny. The drawing in them is pretty bad on two accounts:
1. Time constraints
2. I can't draw.

However, I think the point was communicated. I had a pretty good time doing them overall. It sort of led me to pick up Adobe illustrator and attempt to get the hang of it for if I ever wanted to do something similar. Maybe I could do a comic-like-thingy. I think that'd be fun. Some people at SGS could give me some pointers.

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