Friday, June 3, 2016

Elise and the Joys of Raising a Plant!

This week started pretty busy, but it's kind of slowed down now.

I had a bunch of assignments earlier this week. A new shot involving Demon Guy was added to the animatic, and it required a new build, so I roughed that out. After that there was a bunch of prop stuff, and then I got to do some hand-drawn keyframes of a guy's face melting off, which was awesome. A pretty successful week, all in all. At this point everything on my to-do list is either done or awaiting review, so I've been messing around in Photoshop and listening to 80s music to kill time. (sorry boss!)

A bunch of us in the studio went for ice cream today! Super delicious, and it's fun to hang out with the coworkers! I was gonna order lemon ice cream but I panicked and went for vanilla instead. Still good though!

Aside from studio stuff, I'm almost all moved in to my apartment now! My old roomies came by for a visit. They brought me a horrible toy truck to add to my growing collection of horrible toy trucks.

Earl's new leaf is looking great, and he's hard at work growing another one. This means he has 12 whole leaves now, so he's basically an adult. Erin and I are unsure what to do about his dead bits, we might have to amputate him in the near future. Stay tuned.

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