Monday, May 30, 2016

Free Candy from Pippa

May 16*

This week, I did some work on the deal memos for Todd and the Book of Pure Evil and Vampire Steve. Turns out there are different deal memo templates for employees and contractors.

I’ve also been updating the Vampire Steve database now that the scripts for episodes 4 and 5 have been finalized. I updated the breakdowns for those episodes, and assigned them in the database. I’ve also been working on keeping the weekly meeting notes for Vampire Steve up to date.

Tuesday to Saturday, I was back on set. I did a lot of lock down this week, which means it was my job to make sure nobody walks through the doors and onto set while filming is going on. A lot of crew has to keep working to prep the next scene while the current scene is being shot, so it’s important to make sure they know when they have to hold the work and be quiet so nobody ruins the shots with polluted audio.

I’m no longer in the on-set production office as much. I’ve become more of an on-set PA, which usually gives me the job of distributing substantial snacks ‘subs’ on set in the morning and candy and treats after lunch - so everyone is usually pretty happy to see me!

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